I haven't tried CBD on pets, but we have been using it in various forms in our household for ourselves for a while now. If we had a pet with issues, personally, I would definitely try it.
We buy only 100% THC-free CBD products. The CBD salve we have found especially useful, for localized pain, rashes, insect bites, etc. I recently inflamed a tendon in my wrist so badly through overwork that I could hardly use the wrist at all. I made an appointment with a good hand and shoulder doc I have seen before, but by the time my appointment came up to see him, the inflammation in my wrist was almost fully healed, by applying CBD salve to it several times daily. When I have inflamed muscles in my hand before, the hand specialist would give me a steroid shot in the affected area. That would bring the inflammation down so the area could heal. This time, no steroid shot was necessary, thanks to CBD salve!