Forum Discussion

rockhillmanor's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 12, 2015

Dangerously low temps/Florida warnings for pets??

I know it's all relevant BUT:

I am from up North and it still cracks me up when the temps here in Florida get to what THEY call 'dangerously cold'.

Here is the warning on the home page of the electrical company here in Florida for this weekend.

Chilly Presidents' Day Weekend Ahead well prepared for the cold weather that is forecasted for the next few nights – temps may drop below 30 this weekend. ....... Members can refer to these tips:

1. Dress in layered clothing and wear some kind of head cover.
30 degrees in the Chicagoland area is balmy for a winters day, no hats and we had our jackets open. Layered clothing was for 'BELOW ZERO' temps!

2. Keep pets inside; when necessary to walk them, do so on the grass, not the cold sidewalk.
OMG. don't let them walk on a 'cold sidewalk'! Please my dogs had to walk on ice and packed snow for months on end during the winter! and keep them inside? Not, they wanted out to play in the snow banks!

3. Protect livestock and other animals with adequate shelter and extra feed.
30 degrees? My horses where outside standing in the sun of their own choosing and usually sweating under their winter coats at that temp!

No matter how long I have been in Florida these alerts for so-called dangerously low temps i.e. in the 30's, still makes me laugh. And yet so VERY thank full I AM here in Florida for the Winter!:B