I would assume the vet has checked for parasites as that can cause the problem. The food may be an issue, maybe with age she can not tolerate that food anymore. Try changing to something else - but-- I would give her boiled rice and unseasoned chicken chunks for awhile. That is easy to digest and recommended by many vets when a dog has this problem. Another option given is boiled burger and rice (drop small pieces of burger in boiling water to cook). I would NOT do pumpkin as that is many times used for constipation to loosen the stools. I would also switch from dry kibble to a moist canned food after things ease up. Mix small amounts with the kibble she is used to and gradually increase the amount of wet food until you have switched over. There are many nutritious brands available at the pet stores. You could try the different flavors to see what she likes best. Good luck with this. Hoping it's not the diabetes causing the digestive problems. In people high sugar can cause this exact problem.