Forum Discussion

raindove's avatar
Jul 20, 2013

Friend Recovered Lost Cat

A dear friend was camping a number of weeks ago, and her one cat slipped out the MH. Could not find her and had to return home. Got a call that the cat was seen 2 or 3 times this week. They returned to the CG and with some patience and finally the use of a live trap, they managed to recover her. They are on their way home. I love a happy ending. I can't imagine how difficult it is to leave, when an animal is lost.
  • Actually, she apparently fared pretty well. She kept her isolated from their other cats and got her to the vet as soon as they got home. She's still in decent weight, and I believe the only thing wrong is a case of conjunctivitis. They really lucked out.
  • That is wonderful. Glad they got it back and even gladder that the poor cat isn't on it's own anymore.
  • That is a wonderful ending! I'm so happy when I hear someone got their lost pet back.
  • That's so wonderful, a happy ending!!! I can't imagine the heartbreak of having to leave a lost pet behind!