Forum Discussion

winnietrey's avatar
Feb 14, 2021

Fun with Doggie DNA test

So our old dog passed. He was 1/2 lab. 1/4 Border Collie and 1/4 mixed.

Got a new puppy off CL, supposed to be 3/4 lab, 1/4 Aussie

Not even close. He is

24% Staffy
11% Bulldog
12% Aussie Cattle dog
9% White swiss Sheppard
4% German Sheppard
17% Chow
7% Siberian Huskey
16% Lab

Man that's a lot of dogs in our little guy ( well at 6 months, not so little anymore)

Funny thing is, he looks pretty "labish" right down to fully webbed feet, with a bit of a Pitbull face. and lab Sheppard ears.

He is a good little guy, no sign of aggression and pretty darn smart. But I do worry a bit, about the Staffy part.

Am not sure the sellers were intentionally lying, apparently he is the son of two dogs that were neighbors, so I think they just took their best guess, and maybe stretched the truth a bit

Anyway, have not had puppy in many years, forgot how much work they are
  • Love it! One of a kind. Yes, I found out at 71, after losing my 13.5 year old cocker and getting a 9 week old cocker... wow!

    My vet told me the story of a man who had a full-blooded Rottie. Just for the heck of it they did the DNA... it came back 90% Rottie and 10% Poodle!

    Enjoy your new baby... they don't stay babies for long.
  • Pictures, we need pictures!!!

    Sounds like a good dog, BTW don't worry about the Staff part. IMO most have a more stable temperament than MANY other breeds.
  • When doing DNA testing don't forget that even "pure" breeds may have had other breeds mixed in over the course of breed development so it might not be unusual to have another breed in the mix. Or the little lady had a little side fun she didn't disclose LOL!