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Homeless Cat -- Now Spotacus' Legacy

Nomad II
Nomad II
On 18 Dec, a very large cat showed up at our house. It was late and cold, and he looked in the door and made it clear he wanted inside. Well, since we have two cats already and he was a stranger, we could not let him in the house. WLToo walked out and the cat ran to him, so he walked the cat into the garage and into the climate controlled room out there.

He was extremely hungry and thirsty, but in otherwise good condition and very clean. We fixed up a bed for him, set up the feeding and elimination stations, and went to bed.

Next day, we worked in the garage all day, while the big guy slept or supervised. We found him to be an intact male, no sign he's ever worn a collar, and he has a strong need to be in the general vicinity of humans. For an intact male, he's remarkably mellow - I don't think he was the alpha cat in his previous home.

Have had zero responses to the "found cat" notices around the area and online, so we'll be working with the local rescues to get him neutered and all his shots, then find him a home. We can't keep him because he's just too big for our two cats to share our small house. Alex would have another emotional meltdown, and I don't want to go through that mess again (long, ugly story).

For now, we're calling him Spot, not that he answers to it (does answer to "Kitty, Kitty"). No idea how he travels; we'll find out when we take him to the vet on Tuesday.

If anyone knows of someone who would like a large (about 15-18 pounds) cat who needs to be with people, please let me know. No cat novices, please; this cat needs someone who knows exactly how to handle an adult cat of this size, especially when he's feeling frisky.

We're at Canyon Lake, TX, so if there are any Winter Texans nearby who would like to meet him and maybe give him a home, that would be great.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more
2,054 REPLIES 2,054

Rudy is ADORABLE!!!

Explorer II
Explorer II
Bet that turkey was outstanding. We always make extra for those dishes we eat at Christmas too. The freezer is our friend. :W

Rudy is a handsome young man. I would be tempted to call him Spotted Fever with all that zooming.

Their game of "Who's Zoomin' Who" sounds like ours when they were young. That's a great age unless you're trying to sleep.
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Nomad II
Nomad II
If these two don't calm down soon, I'll be anemic... I've long had scars from handling cats, but these two are puncturing me several times a day. My dermatologist will have something to say in a couple weeks...

Here's the best picture yet of Rudy. Note how he has spots on his haunches, instead of stripes.

WLToo stayed up all night Wednesday, tending the smoker. The cats decided to keep him company, routinely zooming through the house to keep him awake. The result was three exhausted guys and a great smoked turkey. We all managed to not overeat, we sent plenty of leftovers home with visitors, and we still have most of a turkey to serve at our writers' group Christmas potluck.

Today, WLToo is still sleeping off and on. Rudy and Czarny did their early morning zooming, played with me (demanded it, actually), zoomed some more, and are also sleeping. I'm considering a nap myself. It's just that kind of day.

Leoghaire and this year's fawn came up yesterday and this morning. We didn't have anything for them (they don't like root vegetables, except carrots), so they ate the acorns in the copse.

Cousin with fifth wheel is visiting next week. They lost their dog that Alex despised so much late in the summer, so Czarny and Rudy should not be meeting dogs in the house this trip. I don't think they'd care for it -- they sure flattened their little kitty ears each time the shelter dogs started barking. Guess I won't be playing my tape of dogs barking Jingle Bells this year...

It occurred to me I've not eaten breakfast. If I don't eat, the gastritis pain shows up, so best get to it. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Explorer II
Explorer II
Happy Thanksgiving to Czarny and Rudy and their parents. :c
More photos please.

I like the new title to this thread too. Spotacus would be proud.
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Explorer II
Explorer II
Sounds like life is settling in for the new fur children. I'm with you about dry stollen. ๐Ÿ˜›

We both tire easily from shopping so this year and future years we're giving subscriptions to favorite magazines. Woodworking, gardening, cooking, and science mags are the main interests of our relatives and friends. I tuck a note into the Chtistmas card letting them know what they're getting. Easy peasy and it makes them happy getting something all year and not having to pay for a sub.
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Nomad II
Nomad II
Took college buddy to the Weinachtsmarkt and we both wound up buying Cutco implements. I got an elk knife for WLToo, since he, Tall Friend and Count Pavel will be hunting elk in January. College buddy got their kitchen shears that will cut through a penny, but aren't sharp edged. Amazing stuff. Then we both picked up some coasters woven in Oaxaca, Mexico by kids, whose parents weave big rugs, etc. The kids get to keep the monies from the coaster sales. And the local lavender farm had a stand of products, so I gave some lavender body butter to college buddy for Christmas.

After that, we went over to Tuesday Morning, where we both found stuff we needed, and I picked up some Christmas serve ware in Sister's china.

On Saturday, after college buddy left, I went to the city, delivered Sister's serve ware, then took Mom to the Weinachtsmarkt. We both bought stollen from a bakery a couple towns north of me. Most commercial stollen is bone dry, but this is super moist (with super sweet icing. I expect a serious glucose spike.). After that, we ate at an Indian restaurant near Mom's place. She'd never had Indian, and it took a bit of waiter assistance to find an entree that was mild enough for her tastebuds, but she did enjoy it.

Meanwhile, the kittens were at home alone all day. Didn't break a thing. They really are such good kitties. Rudy makes very clear when he needs attention: he tries to trip us. I think he'd like to spend some time on our laps, but just hasn't worked up the nerve yet. So we all settle for petting him while he weaves between our legs.

Meanwhile, the Christmas shopping is complete. Tomorrow, I'll wrap it all up, then ship out the long distance ones next week.

WLToo made the turkey brine today and tomorrow will brine the 24-pound turkey Nephew 2 got as a result of being employed by the huge regional grocery chain. Then Wednesday night, he'll put it in the smoker. After smoking some wild pig back strap for college buddy's visit, he thinks he's finally got the technique down. That back strap had ยผ" smoke ring on all sides. It was delicious.

Well, it's late and Czarny is trying to push me out of my recliner so he can stretch out. Night, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Explorer II
Explorer II
How was the Weinachtsmarkt?

Am glad to hear Rudy has decided to keep you :c
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


I haven't been on the forum in a couple of months so I just read through them today. I am so sorry to hear about Spotacus. He was such a special kitty and my heart breaks for his loss but I know that he is thrilled to see Czarny and Rudy get such an awesome new home and family. I'll shed a tear for Spot and then go hug my kitties in his honor. I look forward to reading your new adventures!
Me, DH, DD21, Elliott & Abby (dogs) and Mary Jane (cat)
2007 Crossroads Cruiser CF30SK
2011 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Nomad II
Nomad II
My college roommate is here visiting, and actually got Rudy so interested in playing that Rudy decided rubbing against college buddie's legs and getting petted was a good thing. Now he's bouncing around the great room, playing with the toys that Czarny thought were his, and allowing us to pet him a little. Yep, the little guy has decided this is home and these hoomans are his staff.

Last night, he walked all over the bed just after I went to bed, but still did not sleep with us. Czarny spent time on college roomie's bed, then tried to push WLToo off our bed.

Today, Rudy found and is using the Litter Robot. Hope Czarny finds it soon. We're migrating the standard litter box across the great room, and will turn the corner toward the laundry/pantry/mud room in a few more days, hoping both will just use the robot before the Thanksgiving gang is all here. Considering how fussy Rudy is about litter (he will go and bury Czarny's leavings while Czarny's still in the box), getting them both into the robot will be very good for Rudy -- and us.

I'm taking college roomie to the Weinachtsmarkt tomorrow, and Mom on Saturday, so I need a bit more sleep. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Explorer II
Explorer II
We're happy they're settling in, especially Rudy. :c
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Nomad II
Nomad II
Thanks, Ralph. I do believe Czarny and Rudy will give us a lot of stories, too.

Rudy is a remarkably strong cat. Last night, it was very, very cold. Czarny slept with us. At one point, I felt Rudy walk across my feet, but when I shifted a little, he left. When WLToo woke up, he put his feet down on bare tile. Seems Rudy pulled the entire bedside rug under the bed and slept on it. WLToo has trouble shifting that rug, but Rudy pulled it completely under the bed and we never heard a sound. It will be even colder tonight; I hope Rudy joins us in bed and stays. If not, WLToo's feet will be cold in the morning...

We took the boys to the vet for their checkup, and to transfer their medical records to us. Rudy was fairly easy to put into the carrier, after we shooed him out from under the bed. Czarny, having seen Rudy go into the carrier, decided he wasn't having it. The chase was on. He'd hide somewhere, then come out when we called and rub on our legs. We'd pick him up, walk toward his carrier, and he'd go crazy. Finally got him into it by sneaky means, and he howled ugly names at us until the pickup actually began moving. Then he got just as quiet as Rudy.

At the vet, Czarny came out of his carrier and hid behind the computer monitor, the usual hiding spot for critters visiting the vet. Rudy was almost comatose in fear. When the vet pulled him out of the carrier, Rudy clung with all four feet to the blanket, so the vet examined him as he clung to it. Then all of us petted and fussed over him, to the point that he actually purred and didn't want to go back into the carrier. Czarny was expertly put back into his carrier, and home we went.

When we got home, Czarny shot out of the carrier and went into hiding. He stayed mad at us for almost 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I slid Rudy out of his carrier, wrapped him in the blanket, and held him. WLToo and I fussed over him until he nearly relaxed. WLToo fed him some treats, which he happily ate, then he wanted down. He's been visible off and on all evening, even watching a little TV, and not scramming the moment he sees us watching him.

Rudy weighs a full two pounds less than Czarny, leading me to believe he was the runt of that litter. Probably also explains why he's so fearful. But when our nephew dropped by, with a 20 pound turkey for WLToo to smoke next week, Rudy didn't even "spoil his relax" when Nephew looked under the cocktail table to see him. I do believe he's turning a corner and realizing this is his forever home.

I see Czarny wiggling his butt. Rudy must be on the other side of the door. I want to watch this. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

I am sorry to hear about Spotacus. I have been following this thread since the beginning. I haven't looked lately because this is exactly what I was afraid I would hear. I feel that I had gotten to know Spotacis and Alexander, and will miss the stories about both of them.

Ralph (W1KDK) and Cathy
2015 LifeStyle LS38RS 5th Wheel

Explorer II
Explorer II
Herself is the Cat Whisperer and she says the following.

"When I bring home a cat or kitten who is skittish in the new surroundings I put him or her in the guest bedroom for awhile. If there's a sibling the sibling goes in too. Being in the spare bedroom allows them to adjust to the sounds and smells of their new home while feeling safe.

"I keep them in there anywhere from a week to two weeks all the while feeding them and giving them Temptations by hand. Of course their water, food bowls and litter box is in there. I'll go in several times a day and just sit and hold the two cats while I hand feed them and just talk to them. I'll brush their fur or stroke them while talking quietly to them. You can tell when they're calm enough to come join the rest of the household.

"The longest I've ever had to keep a cat in the bedroom is two weeks. He was somewhat PTSD from some unknown trauma. He did eventually calm down enough to be settled in the house but we never let him outside as we knew we would never see him again if something spooked him. He would flee post-haste. Some cats just have that burden to carry.

"I don't mind having a full time indoor cat. They eventually 'own' the house and don't seem to mind if we go off for a couple of weeks on the road. I leave plenty of food and water in several containers and it has always worked. We have a friend who house sits if we have to be gone longer than 14 days so that works out too."
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Nomad II
Nomad II
Czarny has decided to be a velcro cat, ever since he came out of hiding yesterday. He's either wallowing all over one of us, exfoliating skin with his 60-grit sandpaper tongue, playing with all the toys, or zooming around the house, trying to get Rudy to come out and play. Rudy did zoom with him last night, and was fine as long as he didn't see us watching him. I saw Rudy very early this morning in the litter box, and nothing since.

So I picked up some Feliway, and we'll plug those into the sockets nearest where he seems to hide most. If that doesn't help quickly, a thunder shirt and some additional pheromones may be in order. He's way too shy for his own good.

Meanwhile, those kitty beds are a wasted purchase. No sign either one has been used. Nope, underneath something somewhere has been the preference, although at one point last night, I did feel someone on the bed -- Czarny most likely. Right now, Czarny is stretched out on my left side, purring away.

WLToo is assembling the second of two new kitchen island light fixtures. Mom said our great room is too dark, so I found new mission style fixtures. Two three-light fixtures are replacing two one-light fixtures of no particular style. The one we put up yesterday has definitely raised the light level. With WLToo standing on a 10' ladder and me standing on the kitchen island, it occurred to us both that maybe we're getting a bit long in the tooth for such things, but we persevered. When the second is installed and lit up, should be bright enough for pretty much everyone.

Then we hauled firewood from the rick to the porch, ready for the cold weather that's gonna hit tomorrow. Actually gonna freeze tomorrow night and Tuesday. Couple of weeks early for that. We'll need more firewood very soon, or else turn on the heater. I hate that. My sinuses get all dried out, skin does, too. Doesn't seem to be an issue if we just use the fireplace during the day and let it cool down at night.

I think it's time to find Rudy and make him come out for a while. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Explorer II
Explorer II
Wanderlost wrote:
We've temporarily settled on Czarny and Rudy. That's Polish for black and ginger-haired. If they ever come out of hiding and decide to hang out with us, the names may change, but these will do for now.

I like those. Very creative.
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.
