We had an aussie that could get around the cone. She pulled out her spay stitches twice. The vet decided to stop it. He got a plain rubbermaid bucket, cut the middle of the bottom out (to creat a hole just big enough for her head to fit through), cut a few vertical slices along the sides of the bucket near the bottom and ran a long piece of gauze through the slices.
Put it over her head and tied the gauze around her neck to keep it on. It worked. She looked like an idiot, but she couldn't reach her stomach.
Poor Tully! That's quite an injury!
For Tully, I think the problem is that it's his toe and he can maneuver his foot to get around anything you put around his head. In that case, you either have to create an open weave "cage" to go around his foot or muzzle him.
For you, I say buy a pack of gum and chew a piece at a time, replacing when the flavor dies, until the bitter apple taste goes away.
1975 American Clipper RV with Dodge 360 (photo in profile)
1998 American Clipper Fold n Roll Folding Trailer
Both born in Morgan Hill, CA to Irv Perch (Daddy of the Aristocrat trailers)