4X4Doger: Now there is some information we can agree upon!!!
Dog "experts" are measured by experience and results only. There are not many "degrees" because there not many mainstream colleges offering them. A degree has no indication of every day skills. I have a college degree that is mostly worthless in today's society.
There are some "certification" programs for dog trainers, mostly offered on line or by for profit "schools." I doubt their real value.
4X4Dodger said: "So I find it a bit curious that some have the attitude that somehow one persons ideas on dog behavior (sic) are automatically superior to mine or anyone elses(sic) for that matter."
Wow can't agree more, but that statement is true with many people, everywhere. It is very common on forums. "It is my way or you are wrong" seems to be a common attitude.
4X4Dodger said: "Don't we have enough DNA level experience by now and enough Common knowledge..lore (sic) if you like to suffice for managing this relationship?
Again, we agree IF there is common sense being used. Unfortunately common sense is not so common.
Dog trainers, house cleaners, and most service companies, exist not because people do not have the basic, or instinctive skills to complete the task at hand or the desire to gain the information needed. Rather, people choose, for whatever reason, to pay someone else to complete the task. And thankfully these people exist because that is how I made a very comfortable living my entire life. (Service businesses.)
Now don't get too comfortable. There are many other areas we still strongly disagree. :B :B That is O.K. and keeps life interesting.
Best of Luck to you.