Forum Discussion

Dernhelm's avatar
Jun 15, 2018

It wasn't a foxtail

Just got home from the vet with 10 year old Amroth. He was shaking his head and pawing at an ear, so I checked it and guess what? "Foreign bodies" in both ears. 'Tis the foxtail (cheatgrass) season here. Well, I thought, it's time for him to go in for his annual lumps and bumps removal anyway so we scheduled surgery for yesterday with ear cleaning thrown in.

Routine lumps and bumps removal: just the usual lipomas.

Picked him up this morning and the vet had a nice vacuette waiting for me with the results from one of his ears.

It wasn't a foxtail.

It was most of a dead cockroach.

Even the vet said that was one of the grossest things he'd ever found in an ear. I'm freaked. My ears keep itching.
  • Does happen to people too. Get an exterminator there to spray for those things . Yuk! Gross!
  • It probably happens more than we think
    Google 'Cockroach in ear', it's disgusting.