Forum Discussion

Crowe's avatar
Jan 24, 2015

Joint and Fish Oil Supplements

Our vet has recommended that Jake be put on glucosamine supplements for potential hip issues and Jesse be put on fish oil supplements for his skin issues. Suggestions on brand/type for both? Thanks.
  • Fish oils - I usually recommend any human OTC product that has the appropriate mg dose.

    Glucosamine - there are so many including human OTC brands that will work. Generally I like Nutramax brand - Cosaquin (Cosamin human brand), Dasuquin, etc.; the Synovi brand (G3, G4 etc.), and glycoflex and joint strong. Others can and do work but I've seen a little more consistent results with these.

    We use Dasuquin w/ MSM with Jill, and Cosequin for cats with Henry (when he'll take it :))

  • Thanks Dr. Doug. What would be an appropriate dose for dogs that are 50 & 62 lbs?
  • Dosage ranges are really wide and there is little chance of overdosage on either.
    Glucosamine 15-30 mg/kg

    Dogs >50# 3 capsules per day split 2 am or pm 1 at the other time (Cosequin DS)

    Essential Fatty Acids (fish oil - EPA,DHA) again a really wide range 22-40 mg/kg/day. Again it's hard to overdose - you will get GI signs with higher doses.

    One note, if you use human product, DON'T use one that has Flax or Flax seed oil as the source as dogs and cats are not able to metabolize that form - you'd be wasting your money. Stick with the marine source - real fish oil.
  • I give my rottie glucosamine, chondroitin, msm. Just be sure to get the hydrochloride as opposed to sulfate. I have read that the dog can better absorb the hydrochloride.