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Missing 2 cats

Explorer II
Explorer II
It's a sad time at our house.

We've lost our 2- 1yo female kitties. They just never came home since last Saturday. It may be an owl, coyotes, or they're caught in someone's garage. We just don't have any idea. I've walked the neighborhood every day until I'm exhausted but have yet to find any signs of anything. The neighbors are real cooperative in checking their garages for us.

It's so odd to lose both at the same time. Hope is dwindling but I'm not giving up yet. They are not chipped. 😞
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

You can just start sharing the thread without additional contact info, as your photo, and comments should come back to you. Or if you want we can add an email that you can create such as a free gmail or hotmail account. Working on making your flyer more fb friendly now.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a wabbit, Fuzzy Wuzzy had a dandelion habit! RIP little Wuz... don't go far.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Thank you. This is hard.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Explorer II
Explorer II
If cats are kept indoors from birth on, they will be happy to be indoor cats and will not even know what it outside. It keeps them much safer.

Hope your kitties show up soon. Don't give up hope. We had a small dog lost for 2 weeks during winter ice storm and she eventually got hungry enough to accept food from strangers and was found. We thought she was done due to the cold weather and nasty winds.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Code2High wrote:
Include city and state at top of caption where it can be seen immediately.
What about contact info..? sure don't want a bunch of crank calls.

kitty poster
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

One other thing.... Be sure to set privacy to public on that picture so people can discuss and give info. Include city and state at top of caption where it can be seen immediately. And if you link it back here, others can start spreading it around also. I am involved in rescue on FB and there are rescue people in every state.

Argh, I hate typing on my phone!

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a wabbit, Fuzzy Wuzzy had a dandelion habit! RIP little Wuz... don't go far.

Wishing you all the best of luck in finding the two!


Explorer II
Explorer II
I'm on FB so I'll do that. I've already posted it as text, but a picture would really help. Thanks.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Now that I'm on a keyboard, find someone local to you that is on FB and has local contacts and they should be able to get it started in your community. It can easily be sent all around the world and that's fine, but starting with someone nearby will get it to your local community the fastest as a rule.

It's just another way to move information around quickly and maybe hit someone who wouldn't have seen your other efforts.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a wabbit, Fuzzy Wuzzy had a dandelion habit! RIP little Wuz... don't go far.

2oldman wrote:
Code2High wrote:
Facebook has ended up bringing a lot of animals home, so that's not a bad idea either.
Do I do something like placing an ad, or..?

No..... Do a flyer, either online or scanned, and post it as a picture and ask people to share. If you dont have an account get someone who does to do it for you.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a wabbit, Fuzzy Wuzzy had a dandelion habit! RIP little Wuz... don't go far.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Code2High wrote:
Facebook has ended up bringing a lot of animals home, so that's not a bad idea either.
Do I do something like placing an ad, or..?
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Cat has some good suggestions and don't forget to put up flyers, call the shelter, and so on. Facebook has ended up bringing a lot of animals home, so that's not a bad idea either.

Cats are survivors and they do sometimes wander off and then reappear days or even months later. Hopefully you'll be reunited with your babies. I'm sure you won't let them out again.... most of us have probably had indoor/outdoor cats at some point but have learned the hard way about stuff like this. So don't feel like the Lone Ranger.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a wabbit, Fuzzy Wuzzy had a dandelion habit! RIP little Wuz... don't go far.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Praying they turn up. We know that feeling too well.
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


Explorer II
Explorer II
Thank you Cat. I will try that this evening...and hope it stops raining!
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

I am so sorry. I hope they find their way home. Speaking of which there are some things you can do to help. Lost, scared, confused cats tend to lay low during the day and move around at night. It may help if you put some clothing you &/or your wife have worn or a towel you have used outside by the entry to your property. If there is a gate, keep the gate open and put the clothing or towel near it. Also put the articles near the door to the house, especially the one they used to go in & out. In the quiet of the night they might catch the scent of their people and find their way home.

It's worked for me a time or two. One time our inside only kitty somehow escaped and she was gone almost two weeks. It was spring time in Texas so there were a few very stormy nights during that period. I was so worried & heartbroken. We awoke one morning to find her laying on the towel by our back door. She was a bit skinnier and had some fleas but otherwise not much worse for the wear. The funny part about that cat, she never once tried to escape from the house again.

If you are out looking for the cats, I would also suggest doing so at night. Don't walk around calling their names, move very slowly from place to place and sit in one area for a while softly calling. Sometimes if they are in the area, moving around and the sound of your voice moving, confuses them. I found my sister's cat that had escaped, when they were loading up to move out of state, several days later by sitting in their old driveway calling his name every night equipped with an open can of tuna. Oh sure, the neighbors thought I was some crazy cat lady but it worked! The only problem then was I had to listen to him howl on the four hour drive to deliver his silly self to my sister's new house.

Good luck.... I hope you get them back and if you don't give up, you just might!


(Jim just reads the forum once in a while)

Our toys:
2003 Damon Ultrasport 3873
(picture on profile)
Boat = ProCraft Fish & Ski

Working our way toward retirement...wishing it was soon.

Explorer II
Explorer II
The DW got the cats last year. I love kitties, but have resisted getting one because I travel a lot in the winter and do not like the idea of leaving them in the RV for extended periods or walking them on a leash like a dog. And that's pretty much how it has to be when you're an RVer. And none of my cats have ever enjoyed riding in a vehicle.

So I just decided it was best for me to not have one. Anyway, I sure fell in love with these kitties and am so sorry they're gone. You can bet we're regretting our decision to let them out.

Maybe someone reading this who is letting their cat out in a rural area will think twice about doing that. It's about the only good I can think of right now.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman