Levi looks adorable and sweet.... I would definitely believe he has some pit in him from the body language and the face a little bit. Very heavy build though, it seems, more like a bulldog, and there's clearly something else in there that is neither. A purebred heinz 57, all American dog, to be sure.
When are you going to meet him?
If Levi and you turn out not to be a good match, I've had three sight hound crosses, all fantastic dogs with the lanky build you mentioned. One lab/greyhound cross (Best.Dog.Ever.), one afghan/collie/shep mix (spooky, but still a beautiful boy and a wonderful companion), and the current one is lab/deerhound. All great dogs, two very social, one spooky, all good off-leash, dog social, and safe around strangers.
Crosses or mixes are a little less intense that way. You don't get ALL of the sight hound tendencies to quite the degree, or with the lab, you don't get ALL of the lab exuberance and the hardheadedness some display early on. Getting a purebred anything means you get the full dose of that breed's tendencies, so you want to be sure that's a breed you're comfortable with. I used to have a pit/boxer mix, and after she died the universe sent me a full on pit. Wow! She's so.... pittie! Fortunately, I love most of the characteristics that brings.
My current lab/deerhound cross, Hally, came from Alabama. I thought that was a really unusual mix to find, but it turns out that people use them for hunting in the south. They're called lurchers. You aren't that far from that part of the world, so you might find someone suitable within a day's drive. If Levi doesn't work out.