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campn4walleye's avatar
Sep 23, 2013 ear infection

In July, it was a bladder infection, then in Aug, it was anal gland problems, now he has a raging ear infection. BTW, he's a 13 y/o weim.

It came on suddenly, within just hrs, literally. He was fine, we went camping at a CG an hr away from home and around 2 AM, he began the ear shaking. Hot to the touch, almost purple inside.

I know the drill. We've dealt with it since he was a baby. BUT, he hasn't had an infection in over 6 yrs!!! What the heck is going on with our boy? (It's a rhetorical question.)

I had DH bring us home to treat him and sent DH back up to relax and fish. We haven't got much camping in this yr and he has earned some relaxation.

So, after getting home, cleaned out the gunk and instilled ABX. He should be fine in a couple of days. But, I have to wonder what brought this on? The weather is cool, he hasn't changed diet, and he was fine just hrs ago.

Duncan our cavalier also has an ear infection, but his is due to small ear they tell me. Now, 2 boys on meds, and I'm not camping.

Thanks for listening. I know you all understand my frustration.
  • I wouldn't spend too much time pondering it. I've dealt with many, many dog ear infections, and they're often just in one ear. As far as what brought it on . . . who knows? Dogs and ear infections are just like kids and ear infections, sometimes they just happen for no reason you can figure out.
  • My brother fell asleep on a Trailways bus, when we were kids. He spent 5 hours with his ear against the AC channel that ran the length of the bus. He got an ear infection in his right ear.
  • no tall grasses. Why only one ear?

    I do believe it's his age, but it's suspicious. Funny thing is, at times lately, he plays like a puppy! His arthritis is not noticeable at all and he's energetic.

    It so sad to see him holding his head cocked to the side and his ear out. I know he's not comfortable.

    I do have an explanation...but it sounds unlikely.

    We had the heat on in the TC overnight. There are 2 ducts where he sleeps on the floor. He likes to hang his head off the bed. Could the heat have done it?
  • Could it be they were out in tall grass/weeds? Could have been exposed to bacteria/fungus on the plants, and it took off in their floppy ears.
  • He is getting to be an old timer. His immune system is failing.
  • No and no.

    I'm at a loss this time. He is allergic to venison (it's too long a story at how I know). But, he's had none, and out grown eating "pellets".

    Since moving from CA, he's had healthy ears. But, lately, it's always something. He's been at the vet 6 times in the last 8 weeks. I know how to clean and instill ABX. I'll give him a couple of days to improve, the see the vet if need be. When he was puppy, he had such a bad infection, he blew a drum! I can't let that happen again.
  • Did he go swimming or have a bath and get water in his ears? Extreme heat?