Does anyone actually have an animal that's gotten sick? I see someone had their dogs tested, but no actual illnesses yet.
Our Murphy (kitty), had had some wet Nutriplan not too long ago. About three weeks ago, she was acting strange. All she wanted to do was sleep in our linen closet on top of the towels. I took her out and tried to coax her to eat, but all she wanted to do was climb back into that closet and sleep. She wouldn't purr and wasn't eating (she LOVES her wet food in the morning!) or drinking, and wasn't going poo (we watched when she went to the litter box and she just strained and strained, and finally had a little runny poo). I know my kitty and took her in just because she wasn't acting normal and I just "knew" she was sick. (In fact, she was so sick that she didn't even get car sick like she usually does on the way to the vet!)
Keep in mind, this was BEFORE the recall. She had a fever of 106 (apparently, even for a cat, that's high), and the vet thought she had an intestional bug. She was put on antibiotics (real FUN to give a cat a pill every day! LOL) and is fine now.
I'm wondering if her illness was because of the Nutriplan, and how can I get that $70 vet bill reimbursed! Obviously, she's better now, and I don't have the cat food can any more (like anyone keeps those for better than three weeks!), but I'm curious as to how this will be handled. I have no proof, except timing . . .
So, anyone else have a pet that actually got sick?