Make sure your pet food is not on the very, very long recall list that the FDA has confirmed. The brands continue to grow. Dry foods are being added.
Find out who is REALLY making your pet's food vs. the brand saying they make their own. One pet food i.e. at least one brand has a class action lawsuit against it for fraud.
It is distressing to say the least to pay what is more than the average cost of petfood from special name brands just to find out they are being made by Menu or Diamond.
Remember also not all poisoned food brands have voluntarily withdrawn their food. The FDA has no mandatory power to recall. And would they use it if they had?
An independent lab, ExperTox confirms vets finding that acetaminophen is found in pet food. FDA disputes this... for now. Stay posted. This is the next killer still to be uncovered and finally be recalled we pray.
Pets are still dying or so sick their lives are shortened. Many headed for cancer.
It is a very sorry state of affairs and a heartbreaker. Make sure your pets have had a full blood panel to rule out them being poisoned. The poisoning may not be readily apparent. Your pet may be gradually poisoned.
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Visit and pass along so you can save lives even if your pet's food is not on the list, chances are one of your family members or best friends pet is on the list.
I ran into a broken hearted family camping whose Scotty was poisoned and died.