OH I am so sorry about your lil Shih!
Do look at the Itchmo and Pet Connection. They are on this thread.
There are Yahoo Groups specifically addressing this legal fight and putting real pressure on Congress to force the FDA into finally doing something... however Congress hasn't been blame free... they haven't given the administration the money to beef up the USDA and FDA.
Haven't passed the truth in labeling so we know where and who is producing every ingredient in pet food and human food. More and more those involved since last summer are calling for the immediate refusal of all Chinese food products coming into this country. There are other countries too who are selling us lethal products also.
I am buying American as best as I can.
Do join the fight. You are not alone at least 10,000+ some think a much higher figure of animals that have died and more dying everyday.
I once again give you and yours my sincerest regrets at the loss of your beloved family member.
We are homefeeding ours. Being careful even what human ingredients we give them. They both have an elevated Alkaline Phosphatase level which indicates some sort of poisonous ingestion. We figure this has cut years off of their lives.
Your pup is in Heaven... see the comforts here on this page. The watch was stopped the very instant our dear Cairn passed.