We agree to disagree, 26 years living in germany traveling europe always with dogs..seeing dogs visting everywhere..within reason of course i am not bringing them in the castles in potsdam but i like to walk the park areas around with them. If a person wants to go inside one waits outside..if all want to go inside at the same time dont bring your dog.
Now 16 years living in america where dogs dont seem to be welcomed at most places, not sure what damage a dog can make by walking on the grounds of and old fort ,battleground or any other place of interest...its pretty simple..you , your child or dog damages something ...YOU are responsible for it...don't ruin it for others, live and let live...dont punish me for bad dog owners.
As to kids...there is nothing wrong with them asking question...what is wrong if i go to a place pay 30 bucks for a steak at a place thats clearly meant to be for adults just to have screaming and running kids cause they are bored and daddy is too lazy to do some parenting...there are also well behaved kids and good parents but like usual you remember the bad ones the most.
There are bad apples in every bunch I agree...however how the european culture handles dogs and kids is different than how the american culture does.
The problem is that rules are not clearly defined or enforced, you call and ask if they allow dogs and you get some highschool dropout making minimum wage being punished for smoking pot behind the barn on phone duty telling you one thing and when u get there u find out they do but it cannot be a certain breed or over a certain weight or whatever...
If there is one thing i learned in this country...is to have everything is writing...that way both sides know what they agreed on.
ANYWAYS.....i really like to stay on topic and find spots where they allow dogs to exerpeince the many treasures this country has to offer.. I travel with my dogs to enjoy life with them and not put them in a kennel or leave them in the camper.
i thought this forum was a good place to network with other dog owners and get tips for trips...
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ....I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.