Pawz4me wrote:
IMO the very best place for pet tags is Boomerang Tags. I have stainless steel tags from them for all of my pets. Three of the tags are almost ten years old and still look brand new. The engraving doesn't fade out like it does on many tags.
I have bought tags from Boomerang and I like them a lot! One of the best features is you can have them engraved on
both sides. Ours have both sides done, one for our home information and one that has traveling information, i.e. a description of our motor home, it's tag # & state, and our cell numbers.
I have ALL of our phone numbers on each of our dog's tags. I want to be contacted if our dogs are lost, heaven forbid that happens but if it does, I want whoever finds them to call us. Between that and the information that can be obtained by their microchips, we hope to have it covered.