Forum Discussion

Army11Bravo's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 10, 2015

Pets in Cars

I am a 911 dispatcher and manage social media for our 911 Center. I just sent out the image below as a reminder not to leave pets unattended in warm vehicles. Everyone here knows better, but I thought I would share. It helps that I am a beagle lover. :)

Our 911 website is...
Flathead 911

We service a county larger than the state of Connecticut and border Glacier National Park and the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi.

  • Thanks for the reminder!!!!

    A lady locally locked herself inside her car & could not get out. Battery was dead. She too was found dead.

    A man I read recently bought a used Corvette locked himself in & could not figure how to get out. He and his dog both did not make it.......

    What I am getting at we need to know ourselves & teach our older kids how to escape a locked car when something like a dead battery etc locks us in. It happens....... some cars can not be opened by an inside handle if the battery or other electronics go bad. !!!!!!!
  • I agree with Genecop - EVERY YEAR we remind people to not leave children or pets in cars; and every year we read of tragedies, and the astonished cries of parents who act like they're the first person to have discovered that cars get hot.....
  • Thanks for the reminder, TV in our area has been reminding for a couple of weeks now, however a just the day a woman left her baby (18 mos) in the car while she worked at one of the local schools, all day and the poor baby was dead when they found it. A TV reporter got into a car during the day and did temp readings, it got up to 115 deg in the car in 15 min and he was more than ready to get out of the car.
  • GENECOP hit the nail on the head. Around here we're having more problems with KIDS being left in the car than pets. Very sad.
  • Good reminder, Unfortunataly the idiots usually don't recognize themselves as being the idiots who need to be reminded....
  • Good reminder, especially now that summer is finally here.