Forum Discussion

  • The English Setter in that story looks just like my Hershey. English Setters are beautiful dogs.

  • My dog is what you call a Texas Healer. She loves to run around the yard at 80 MPH. Unfortunately, I only have an acre but she eyeballs the cows across the street all the time. I'm afraid it's a matter of time before she ventures over there. She doesn't fear anything and that's what I'm afraid of.
  • Rita,
    That is less than 1 mile from my parent's house; I didn't know it was there (started long after I went to college). We've not been to that wolf educational facility; we've been to Wolf Park near Lafayette, IN.

    we've worked 300+ ewes with our dogs a few times; our own flock is only 80 adults.

  • That was beautiful, Mark. Enjoyed it very much. BTW, last Saturday my husband and I went to the open house at the Big Run Wolf Ranch in Lockport. That was awesome! Glad we were able to see it before the snowstorm.

  • Enjoyed. My dog would love to have a flock of sheep like that. Instead, she herds the other dogs around the yard.