Jun-15-2015 02:54 PM
Jun-16-2015 11:07 AM
Jun-16-2015 10:56 AM
Jun-16-2015 10:36 AM
Jun-16-2015 09:38 AM
Jun-16-2015 07:14 AM
Jun-16-2015 07:06 AM
Naio wrote:
A pitbull got my cat this morning. Cat is in the hospital and dog owner gave them his credit card. I finally have a minute to breathe, and am trying to think what I could have done differently, for next time.
I was in bed at the time, and groggy when I got up. I couldn't figure out how to get the dog off my cat. And the cat kept getting away, and then getting caught again. I didn't have a firearm. I threw rocks at the dog, thinking the distraction would help cat get away. That works with cat on cat. I forgot that I had pepper spray in the rig. That may have helped although it doesn't shoot far and the animals were in brush, not visible.
Dog owners, cat owners, what is the way to go in this situation?
After about 15 mins of searching I found the dogs owner and got her to get him off. Then I dragged her dad and his credit card to the ER with me.
But is there any way I could have got that dog off my cat sooner? I am not as strong as a pit bull, nowhere near.
Maybe I should have sprayed them with a fire extinguisher, or a hose. That might have taken as long as finding the owner, though, to get stuff to where the animals were.
I feel like I failed my cat.
Jun-15-2015 09:13 PM
GypsySeniors wrote:
The answer is.... DON'T LET THE CAT RUN LOOSE!!!!! I am so sorry about your cat and I am sure you love him dearly...love him more by keeping him inside....or you can buy an enclosure for cats that you can use outside to protect him...but always supervise....the world is a very dangerous place for outside cats...I remember as a child in the 50's losing many a beloved cat because they were outside cats...I remember every tear shed...I have been fortunate to have had 5 cats these last 45 years...all indoors and they have lived long safe lives...14yrs....17yrs...19yrs...21 yrs...and at present my Lily who is 7yrs. I don't mean to be preachy but I am adamant about this issue....thoughts and prayers for your fur baby recovery!!!
Jun-15-2015 07:58 PM
Jun-15-2015 07:22 PM
Jun-15-2015 07:19 PM
Naio wrote:cbshoestring wrote:donn0128 wrote:
Cats should adhere to the same leash laws as dogs have to.
I agree. I got tired of my neighbors cat using my flower beds as a liter box, so I caught him in a cage. Let the neighbors know that next time I train my dog to poop on their porch. Funny thing is...my dog has been trained to stay in my yard---try that with a cat.
Still....the OP had their little buddie mauled. Have a bit of compassion.
As a gardener who has cats, may I recommend wood lattice for large areas, and wire grills or scraps of fencing for small areas? Lay them on the soil between plants, or support them in a horizontal position above the soil and starts. Cats avoid anything they think they might get a paw stuck in. (They won't, but they THINK they will.)
Cats don't usually 'train' like dogs, but they are pretty easily annoyed. Make your garden a bit more annoying :).
Vet says he may keep cat through the day tomorrow, as cat is ok but not quite as good as expected. Told me to call back before bed.
Jun-15-2015 07:02 PM
Naio wrote:
She did say that the dog turning on me would be unlikely, although it sometimes happens.
Jun-15-2015 06:52 PM
Jun-15-2015 06:44 PM
cbshoestring wrote:donn0128 wrote:
Cats should adhere to the same leash laws as dogs have to.
I agree. I got tired of my neighbors cat using my flower beds as a liter box, so I caught him in a cage. Let the neighbors know that next time I train my dog to poop on their porch. Funny thing is...my dog has been trained to stay in my yard---try that with a cat.
Still....the OP had their little buddie mauled. Have a bit of compassion.
Jun-15-2015 06:34 PM
donn0128 wrote:
Cats should adhere to the same leash laws as dogs have to.
Jun-15-2015 06:07 PM