Ok Switches come in both Local (Pictured in earlier replies) and Remotes, also circuit breakers come in assorted designs as well
This is what you need, and how to use it:
12 volt automotive test light from AmazonNow I linked to one at Amazon.com but you can find 'em at Wall*Mart, Many Hardware stores, Any Auto parts place and Many RV stores. No need to wait for delivery.
You can also use a volt meter but these are easier and faster
Step one, Clip to POSITIVE battery lead, tip to negative,< Bright light... GOOD.. Move tip to frame (any unpainted part) still bright good, Think about where the next test point is (follow POSITIVE wire from battery) and move clip so you can reach, ideally, both the battery and the other end of that wire, Re-check battry, Still bright (Note you are testing the ground (clip) connection) test the other end of the wire, Bright, good, dark bad
Move to the other side of whatever it connected to (Fuse, Breaker, Solenoid or Switch) Same result.. Continue till you find DARK
The problem exists betwen BRIGHT and DARK.
From there we can provide precise help.
ON YOUR MAIN POWER panel.. (in most trailers, Some it may be elsewhere) there is/are one or more fuses we refer to as REVERSE POLARITY.. if your power panel is the intergrated type, with both 120 volt breakers, 12 volt fuses, and the converter all in one assembly.. Not like mine (3 separate assemblies) those fuses are often 30 amp and are often on the right.. If you accidently put the batteries in backwards.. They may be blown.
How to test if batteries are installed backwards
using a digital volt meter ground the BLACK probe.. Touch both (one at a time) battry posts. ONE will give you a reading 12V good -12V bad
Using the test light.. In the tests I cited above if you put the batteries in backwards you will get DARK when you move the clip to the chasssis/frame and test the Positive terminal.. If that happens test the NEGATIVE terminal if that gives you light. you found the problem. Test it.