Any, meaning the tiniest hint of overheating at the plug or socket pins, the socket or plug must be discarded and replaced with a new plug or socket. These connections rely utterly on spring tension to make a secure electrical connection.
When they overheat then cool the spring tension disappears and limp noodle syndrome sets in. This is caused by ANNEALING which can happen to copper and brass.
When you strip the insulation of the black, white & green pigtails, the wire can be scraped to bright copper if black or violet color. But you cannot use stripped pigtails of the wire is green or dull red. Red means red, not aged copper. When in doubt bend the strands, if they bend like cooked spaghetti then you have to re-cut the cable further back and try there.
Overheated plugs and sockets CAN NOT BE SALVAGED. Replace them as a mating pair.
Assemble using silicone dielectric grease. De-Oxit D100 does not last as long as Silicone grease, even the hideously expensive L-De-Oxit does not protect as well or last as long as a glop of silicone grease. I own all this stuff and have learned about them via The School Of Hard Knocks.
If you try and cheat on doing the cable repair correctly, you are going to pay a truly unpleasant penalty later on. Also from the school of hard knocks.