Sam Spade wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
I thought silicone dielectric grease was not a good conductor?
It is NOT.
Of course it isn't.
And the paint on your car wont do much to help if you get into an accident. Micro critiquing a subject into individual components then focusing on that component rather than the entire subject is fraught with peril. one of confusion.
"How's the weather today?"
"There is a substantial pressure gradient developing 1,200 miles to the west which will.. therefore despite the warm sunshine and calm air..."
I prefer to deal with what is important - reducing development of corrosion which damaged a connection through heat. Smearing Silicone Grease on the contacts will not hinder conductivity....period.
I purchase ARCTIC SILVER heat sink compound. It contains greater than 50% Silver by weight. Whew what a conductor silver is. The resistance of Arctic Silver is in the Megohm range. I plan to adhere a Shottky 500-ampere rectifier base directly to a large heatink. The copper base of the rectifier twin is the cathode. The heat sink will be dead as a centerline skunk. :)