Forum Discussion

groundhogy's avatar
Mar 12, 2023

A/C blower motor question..

Here in Arizona.
Blower motor lasted about two summers after new Coleman Mach install. Now its making noise and is hard to turn.
So i guess if its 115 degrees outside, it must be alot warmer than 115 inside the A/C cover.

Looking online, i see several brands of replacement motors.
Broad-ocean hai phong (viet nam)
NBK (Ameri ?)
Fasco (made in mexico)
Altran Magnetics (china)

Q: is one brand of better quality than the others?

I see two capacitors under the cover. The small one is for motor start.
Q: whats the big cap for?

Q: caps are only two years old. Do they need to be replaced also at this time?