Capacity test.
Divide listed amp hour rate of battery bank by 20.
A 100 AH battery can power a 5 amp load for 20 hours before voltage drops to 10.5v.
Apply a steady 5 amp load with 100AH battery at 77F and see how long it takes voltage to hit 10.5v.
18 hours? 14 hours?
Infer remaining battery capacity by how long it takes for voltage to hit 10.5v.
Halfass capacity test.
Apply steady 5 amps load on 100AH battery for 10 hours at 77f. Remove load, Watch how quickly and how high voltage rebounds.
Quick rebound to ~12.2v, and Whohoo
Slow rebound to 11.92v and BooHoo
Once you guestimate totah remaining AH capacity, be sure to change this setting on Trimetric.
Recharge batteries at 77f at 14.4v until amps taper to 0.5% of total capacity.
Reset trimetric.