Fosters wrote:
Well....I called Dometic directly. For my application: upgrading my dometic duo therm analog t-stat to digital, CANNOT BE DONE simply by switching out the t-stat. Which, I was hoping was not the case. Simply because look where the a/c unit is? On the ceiling in your coach! And.....the control box (an approx. 5" X 5" X 2" silver metal box) has to be replaced as well. So I need a Dometic replacement Kit: a digital white thermostat that illuminates etc. and the control box. Prices vary from Sellers from $77.44 (which I'm ordering from up to over $100.
A decent DIY'er, I learned from Dometic that I'm going Analog to Digital aka Single Zone. So on my current Dometic analog I have six (6) incoming lines. I'm now only using 3 and burying the other 3. As far as the control box in the a/c unit on my ceiling, until I receive the replace control box, I'm please God hoping it's a simple disconnect and replace the old wires to the new, PERIOD.
You only use 3 of the wires. BUT, the color code does not make a difference. You can use any of the 3 wires. You will have to find the Install for the Single zone Tstat/control board and determine which of the wires go to the 3 connections on the tstat. Then there are the other 2 POWER(Pos and Neg) wires already at the old control box. 12 volt, not 120 volt. WRITE down what the 3 wires go to on the wall tstat for future reference and troubleshooting. Doug