I have the wacko RV silencer, works great, and decided to also add the RV airflow system. The combo works great together, just got the rv airflow system installed. it's even quieter than before and cools better as well. usually if the temps are above 95F I better have the AC on early in the day and the temp will slowly rise above my 75F set point. 90 it would hold 75 if set there early in the morning, but would really struggle to drop the temps if I waited to turn on the AC.
yesterday afternoon the trailer was at 96F inside outside temp was 90F. Turned on the AC set the temp to 75F and waited to see what the system would do. In an hour it was down t0 85F inside and in two hours was at 75 so I set it to 68, in less than an hour it was cycling, outside temp by that time was 85 so it was cooling outside, but previously the AC would have had trouble dropping the temps and would would not have been able to get down to 75 let alone below 75
best of both worlds, quieter and quicker cooling.