Still waiting for the 3:00PM Samsung 24 hour usage Kill-A-Watt reading. (Will leave it off for a few more days to get a better average. But it should give me quick indication on if it's consuming a great deal more AH's then had before.
Mentioned that I had turned off the shore power to run the bank of L16's down so that I could go back into a normal charge cycle. I did, after setting the absorb out to the 3 1/2 hour mark (And before it ended, I bumped it out to the 4 1/2 hour mark. All at 14.4V).
Turned on the power, waited for the thud of the ATS and for the Magnum charger to kick in. It did, went to Bulk at 131 Amp. Within 10 mins it was in Absorb and down to 128-129 Amp. Went on a hike, and at three just under three hours its now at 18 Amp. Looking forward to see it drop below 13-15 Amp:)!
While on the hike, I reflected about my storage area while at the S&B's. The coach is parked between two structures and depending upon the time of the year, get's direct sun from ~10:30AM to 1:30PM. So I bet the Solar feeding Classic 150 controller never reached Ending Amps of 4 Amps. Suspect while we're out and traveling, the Solar was finishing the charge down to the 4 Amp level. Even on shore power, the first 4 years or so, I left both the Solar and Power on at the sometime, and let the two 'brains' sort things out. I do recall seeing the SOC in Full (Via SOC being 100%), and yet still seeing the Solar's Classic 150 controller still being in Absorb mode.
So probably a reason the bank has not complained earlier, is because:
-They were robust enough batteries to take a beating
-And while traveling off and on 6-8 months out of the year, the Solar would get the bank down to 4 Amps acceptance charge...
About 5-6 months ago, I started to turn off the Solar Controller when on Shore Power to avoid any potential conflict. So I probably accelerated the reach to where I am today by doing so... Outsmarted myself on that one:)!
Check in later for another addition of Smitty's Battery World:)! (Will share the Samsung 2 hour result, and update if we ever got down to below 13-15 Amp with this Absorb cycle.)