Lenny K wrote:
2oldman wrote:
NinerBikes wrote:
Can't fix lazy.
I LIKE it!
Thank you to all the posters, except for the two above, for your thoughtful and useful responses. I will pass these onto the couple that I had posted for.
The problem is your "friends" won't help themselves... hearing it from you is just hearsay. Why even bother being the messenger?
Sorry, so sad that you can not handle the truth, you waste the time and wear out the patience of those who's help you seek. Two very common sense basic requests have been made of you, and still, you type away, instead of getting results for the requests. That equals FAIL in my book, and no, I am not sorry or apologetic, sometimes folks need to help themselves first, with the most basic tests, long before even posting up here in the Tech section. Batteries on RV's are far from rocket science.
We don't keep throwing fish here, every day, creating welfare RV camper dependents, when we can teach those that want to learn, how to fish, so that they can catch fish themselves, and feed themselves, for the rest of their Rving life.
Better yet, how about you take some initiative and try using the search function "battery testing" should get you all the answers your "friends" need.
There's plenty of us battery doctors here, but what's the point of seeing a doctor, when you won't answer the most basic questions asked of you by the doctor? You waste your time and the doctors time, except we don't get to bill you for the waste of time for unnecessary visits.
Seems retarded, to me. YMMV, just my perspective and IMHO...