Forum Discussion

BradW's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 11, 2013

Battery Brand Recommendation

I need two size 27 12volt batteries for my fishing boat. I have used Delco Voyager batteries for many years and have been pretty happy with them. The problem I have with Delco is finding new ones when I need a replacement. When I started buying Delco batteries they were readily available from Kmart, but now I either have to get the local Chevy dealer to order them or a local tire store to order one. Then it takes a couple or three days to get it.

OK, enough whinning. Can someone recommend a good 12 volt size 27 deep cycle battery other than Delco? I’m thinking about just going down to Walmart or Sams and getting whatever they have in stock.

Thanks for the help,
  • I have bought only Delco batteries for years for one reason. They are the only ones that don't corrode the terminals. Stay clean and dry their whole life span.
  • Ended up buying two size 27 Walmart EverStart batteries for $77 each. They say made by Johnson Controls on the label.

    It also says no maintenance, so I guess you never check the water or add water?

    I wanted to get the MAXX version, but it only came in size 24 & 29, not 27.

    Thanks for all the responses,
  • They're all about the same. If you got along well with the calcium/calcium Voyager battery you're going to love conventional lead antimony batteries. Be aware that the Voyager by design requires less watering so that is why it is a sealed design. Doesn't mean it is a better battery, merely that it acts different. Normally calcium/calcium construction makes for a terrible cyclable battery but an excellent standby battery.

    If a battery weighs the same as other competitive batteries the battery has as much lead. Wal-Mart batteries weigh exactly the same as other Johnson Controls batteries. No matter what, charge your new battery before dumping it into a boat that is not connected to a maintenance charger.
  • I use one Walmart group 27 that I bought in May 2008. I bring it home and put it on a trickle charger after every trip. It still charges to 13+ volts.

    When it dies I'll replace it with the exact same thing.
  • Last spring I replaced the two Walmart EverStart group 27 marine batteries in my coach with two Walmart EverStart MAXX group 29 marine batteries. The batteries I replaced had been in service for just over 8 years. EverStart batteries are made by Johnson Controls, the same company that makes Interstate Batteries and many other brands.
  • My Walmart battery just died. 7 years and 3 months of service for a cheapo battery isn't too bad.
  • Brad - I've always had good luck with Interstate, and they're all over the place. Might be a bit more money, not sure. But I've never had a problem with one in all my years camping. Use Interstate in my trucks too.
  • you might want to reconsider wally world batteries. they get batteries that have fewer plates and thinner plates than other guys and that's why they are so cheap
  • I also get my batteries from Samsclub and Costco, the current set in our rig are 4 year old Interstate batteries from Samsclub. How any battery is maintained and charged is what really matters in terms of overall longevity.