It sounds an awful lot like your converter fuse has blown. Before you start tearing into the wiring, locate the main fuse for the converter and make sure it's still intact. The main fuse is not usually among the bus fuses in the access panel, sometimes it's on the back of the converter and a few panels have to be removed to get to it. My dad's 5er had this happen last Thanksgiving and he couldn't figure out why his batteries were dead even after running the genny all day.
Additionally, you should shut everything off in the coach, remove the negative terminal on your battery, and connect the multimeter leads between the cable end and the battery post in the 10A current mode. This will show you exactly how much parasitic load you have. My coach is older and doesn't have fancy TVs or a stereo and my parasitic load is about 0.25 Amps. I have seen modern coaches draw up to 3 Amps with everything "off". Anything more than 3 Amps should be cause for alarm.