I put a charger (plugged into an outlet in my home) on the batteries to see if I could charge them that way. After several hours the house batteries were still "stuck" at 11.75v.
Reminder: The 12v deep cycle battery is (was) brand new, and it is connected to two 6v Interstate GC2 golf cart batteries (the 6v batteries are in series, connected to the 12v battery in parallel).
I disconnected the 3 batteries (the 12v and two 6v batteries) and decided I would take them to get tested. The voltage across just the 12v battery was 11.75v. The voltage across one of the 6v batteries was ~6.3v. The voltage across the other 6v battery was ~5.6v.
I took them to AutoZone to test. They told me the 12v battery was at 7% charged. They looked me up and saw I just purchased it so they gave me a brand new battery (tested at 12.59v, 93% fully charged according to their equipment). They tested the lower voltage 6V battery and they just informed me that it was "dead". They haven't finished testing the other 6V battery, but I'm guessing that since it was at ~6.3v it is probably still good.
Question: Is it possible/likely that this one dead 6V battery was causing me all these crazy readings and charging issues?
Is it possible this one dead 6v battery killed my brand new 12v battery (in just a matter of 2-3 days)? Or could I have gotten a bad 12v battery just by chance? It was nice of autozone to replace it for me..
I've been reading up online about having different battery capacities and whether that is okay or bad. The system I acquired has a 12v 105ah connected in parallel to two 6Vs which are probably ~220ah.
Is that inherently a problem? I'm wondering if I should take this opportunity to ditch the 6V batteries and instead purchase 2 more 12v batteries which would give me a system of three 12Vs x ~105ah each and all the batteries are the same type, capacity, and age. My RV has the space. I like this approach better than buying one replacement 6V battery to replace the dead one. What would you do?
I am new to RVing and don't expect to be doing much dry camping. Would you expect ~300ah for my battery bank is sufficient for 3-4 days of camping?
I do like the idea of solar...mostly just as a way of making sure my batteries are always charged and ready to go after the RV has been stored for a week, or month, etc. But first I just need to make sure my batteries are set up properly and that they are being charged a)when driving the RV (via the chassis alternator) and b)when the generator is on.
Thanks in advance for your answers/suggestions!
San Jose, CA
Own two 2015 Thor Majestic 28a Class C RVs