mjmeyers wrote:
I was assuming that if I am still getting the 9V inside the TT that the wiring must be OK (i.e., there is a connection to the battery). But I'm no electrician. Seems the consensus is that it is the wiring. If there is a faulty ground, would that lead to the voltage drop? I will see what I can figure out with it tomorrow. I appreciate the help and am thankful it is not the batteries!
If the battery voltage is good and stays constant, then the only way to have a lower voltage inside the camper is if current is flowing in a branch circuit somewhere which is causing the voltage drop.
Turn off all of your DCV loads at the fuse panel and measure the voltage supplied to the fuse panel.
If it still measures low, your problem is between the battery and panel.
If it measures OK, turn on one branch at a time while monitoring the supply side connection point.
When you find the branch causing the loading problem, trouble shoot that branch by systematically disconnecting the various loads on that branch while monitoring the supply voltage.
A bad battery would have been easier...