" Not having wet/ agm batteries I don't know if this is exactly the way it would be for them under the same condition on a daily basis? Or would you have to charge without the loads till they went through the charge stages then turn on loads?"
IMO, essentially you are not doing anything different from lots of folks who do shallow cycles (70-99) mostly living off their solar. Eg, we did the same sort of thing when doing our five month seasonal off grid times from mid-April to end September up here. Very little gen time, no shortage of MW, kettle, TV time with 400-500AH of battery bank and enough solar.
The difference here is in the massive amount of solar, allowing for extensive use of 12v loads compared with most folks' usage. IMO the battery type has nothing to do with it. Any battery bank with 400-500AH would have worked the same. it is all about the solar wattage and being where it can be used.
However, AGMs or Wets would now be needing replacement at four years of that, whereas the Lis are still doing the job. They don't care about being undercharged when it gets dark too soon. They can do more cycles.
So it might work out that in another four years the Lis will need replacement, when the second set of AGMs would also be replaced.
Up to the individual RVer what that means for budgeting and convenience.
You can still get charging into the batteries while running loads. Have to watch that there is enough daytime to get the batts done up with the amps left over with the loads getting fed first. Having a battery monitor such as a Trimetric can help you see if things are working out during the day so you can choose your load times.
Eg, with a laptop you can run it on its own battery at night, and recharge it from solar during the day, which means the RV batts don't get run down as far at night.