Itinerant said he can run his MW down to 30% SOC, but note his bank of Li batts is 500AH. If his MW causes a draw of 150 amps that is a 30% draw.
I have a single 100AH SiO2 and a draw of 65 amps that sets the inverter alarm off 11.1 volts at 60% SOC, but note that is a 65% draw.
I don't know the relative abilities of Li and Si for sustained high draw, but the comparison should be at the same percentage of draw in amps per 100AH of bank. At 500AH bank 65% would be 325 amps.
So all Itinerant has to do as a little test, so we know more about Li, ie, get the 500AH bank full and then run a load of 325 amps for 37 minutes straight. If the inverter has not yet alarmed, keep going until it does!
"Usable" for that level of work might be more with the Li with its flatter voltage curve over that range of SOC, so it might even get to as low an SOC as is prudent before the inverter alarms.
We have lots of popcorn to sustain us while he reports in from time to time on how the test is going. :)