Gdetrailer wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
No accidents, no world ending crash, no one killed or maimed, no ambulance chasing lawyers chasing me down.
Getting away with something and it being a good idea are different things.
Do you go 1 MPH over the speed limit?
That is also not a good idea and I suspect that you and pretty much everyone else reading this forum (including myself)has been guilty of at least one time doing that in your, theirs and my lifetime.
Ironically, studies show the safest speed is going about 5mph above the average but since everyone can't go faster than the average...without changing the average, keeping pace with traffic if your best bet.
But in reality having a faulty brake and going a couple mph above the speed limit are very different things.
As mentioned in my first post, depends greatly on when and where you are driving.