I called Dometic about a new door seal for my little 8 year-old 2354 reefer about 6 weeks ago. After 1/2 day of futzing around the upshot was that: a) the seal was only available as part of the door assembly, b) the door assembly was no longer available, and c) there was a way to jury-rig a cure. They'd sell me a $142 (+tax+$25 shipping!!!) door seal that was too big in length and width, and I could cut & splice it to my size.
Since my reefer sits right on the floor, my maybe-temporary cure is to wedge the door shut with a plastic wedge at the bottom. This $7 'fix' came from Northern Tool, and is intended for use with a chain saw to keep the cut from closing & binding the bar. I had it in my 'work' truck. Works fine, and hopefully will do until I replace the Dometic with a 12V compressor model (and that will _not_ come from Dometic! Frak them!).
(edited in pic)

If yours turns out to be the same sad situation, you may have some luck with RV salvage yards, buying the whole door assembly.
Jim, "Mo' coffee!"