Country Coach Inspire, door handle is not locked, opening handle moves sloppy and door will not open. All windows locked. Short of removing the windshield (2 piece windshield) any ideas?
Thanks for all the input. Since the mechanism is broken I called Tri-Mark and they gave me schematics showing drill spots to open the latch and the door opened. I ordered a new mechanism and it'll go in Monday.
Odds are you have a broken latch internally.. With a bit of skill you can take somethign like a shower curtain hook and push on the striker bolt from outside.
I"ve had to do this twice
Last time I had a new striker bolt carved from steel instead of the **** metal Tri-Mark uses... I can do it, but I can't really tell you how.. It is tricky, I needed professional help the 2nd time.
Are you sure it is not locked. Sometimes the mechanism slips and will no longer move the bolt. It feels like it is unlocking because the key works. If this is the case. I suggest a locksmith, also.
The window lock on many RVs where the windows slide sideways can be defeated. If the window latch looks something like a wing-nut, where you push on one side to lock it and then on the other side to unlock it - you can place both palms on the window pane that slides (near the divider between both panes), push the window inwards about 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch, then while it is pushed in you slide the window open.
For the above to work you have to know what type of latching mechanism that the window has in place.
Is there any way you can gain access to the inside of the coach through an outside storage compartment? There again, send that small kid through the tunnel! (really, I'm trying to give you ideas).
Better a window than the windshield. Since our first lockout(lockin, thank goodness) we have always left one window somewhere unlocked, so that it could be slid open from the outside. Lots of threads on here about broken locks, and how to replace them. Wish you luck!