So is the speed rating test as tough as the standard test, in a 100F chamber, ...
Any tire that passed the standard ST tire testing ought to be able to pass the speed rating test @ 85mph, in fact I believe it has passed just not formally!
Carlisle states that your trailer tires exceed DOT requirements. What do you do to exceed DOT requirements?
Trailer tires are held to the FMVSS119 standard for DOT. The endurance test under this standard is typically either 34 hours or 47 hours depending on the size of the tire. The load during the test varies from 66% up to 114% per the DOT requirement. Carlisle always extends the test after meeting the minimum endurance requirement for passing DOT by increasing the load to 130% and continuing the test. Our standard production checks are set to meet approximately twice the mileage required by DOT on the endurance wheel. We also have development standards that will exceed our standard production checks to insure that our product is robust enough so that we well exceed the DOT requirement at all times.