pianotuna wrote:
Generally speaking it is best to have both batteries in parallel, assuming they are identical in chemistry, amp-hours, and age.
Charge controller is a device used in the solar industry. Do you mean converter? or inverter/charger?
May I ask you to share the problems that are occuring?
From the factory, the batteries were placed on opposite sides of the compartment and treated as separate power sources.
The Smart Battery Combiner gets power from the converter then apportions it between the batteries.
The problem I'm currently having is that the SBC will not operate continuously. It's designed to operate within certain voltages. At times it will give a low voltage disconnect indication and stop charging either battery. I've already replaced both batteries. I've been using a standard battery charger to charge the main house battery when the SBC quits. I think tomorrow I'll try hooking up that battery charger on the outbound wires from the converter. If the SBC works fine that way then I'll know that I also need to replace the converter.