If your commute is less than 30 miles a day I wouldn't worry about 240 volts AT ALL. We used 120 volts for years with our Nissan Leaf. We only eventually put in a 240 volt EVSE because our needs changed. Even at that it was rare that we needed the extra charge capacity. You can see that our EVSE (charge cable) that came with the car is literally plugged into our christmas light soffitt plug.
I echo time2rolls comments in that the nissan leaf is not well suited to a Las Vegas climate as there is no active battery cooling. Nissan leafs are excellent vehicles and the most problem free bullet proof vehicle we have ever owned. But I would not own one in a Vegas environment. Maybe a chevy bolt or one of the korean models. They all have good reputations. Not so much the Fords.
I wouldn't avoid a Tesla for reliability reasons. They don't score well with JD powers because of their complexity but then again none of the top brands do. We haven't had ours long enough to give a real assessment but in about 3.5 months the only issue we have had was a squeaky dash which tesla looked after.
Teslas are not little cars so take that into consideration. I'll include a couple shots of our Leaf and Tesla for size comparison. The Chevy Bolt is slightly smaller than the leaf again. The Leaf was an easy fit in our garage. Not so much the Tesla. The Bolt would be an even better fit. When the seats are down in a Bolt it is a pretty big flat area in the back.
As piano Tuna mentioned the Kona is also a great choice and well thought of.
Anyway, drive em all and see what you like. There are some smokin deals on left over 2019 Chevy Bolts right now. Kinda low tech but great little cars and they have active cooling.
By the way, most EV's will go about 4 miles on one KW of power. I don't know what your power rate is in Vegas but if its 10 cents per KWH it will cost you about a dime to drive to Home Depot as you mentioned...oh...and another dime to get home I suppose.