Dec 21, 2015Explorer
Choice of Batteries - Which Would You Choose?
Need expert advise from those that know batteries best. I have an 05 PW Excel that has room for just one 12v house battery in the outside compartment. It's a wet cell, and just as soon get away from them and go to an AGM battery. My plan is to purchase two 6 volt AGM's and place them inside under the galley sink. That's the easy part. The hard part is which brand AGM to go with. My first choice would be Lifeline GDL-4CT6 batteries with 220ah. $600 for two delivered. But, looking around I came across a lesser known name, Amstron. At 210ah and $417 for two delivered at the same weight as the Lifelines and the same specs, other than ah's, I'm wondering if this isn't a case of you get what you pay for or do the Amstrons cost less just for being a lesser known name? If you had a choice and could buy either one, which would you choose?