Fluke, Triplett, the usual suspects.
I suspect most DC clamp on current probe mfg buy the hall sensors from someone who makes the sensors as a std product. For use in a accurate DC current probe, especially at low current levels there are lots of details around the sensor design and shielding that can have a huge impact.
I know for a Fact that Tektronix always has, and currently does mfg their own hall sensors for the probes they designed and mfg. Lots of patents and trade secrets around the design and mfg of the sensor, including the deposition on sensor material. Tek also has/had some clamp on current probes (not for input to a scope channel) that are OEM'd, and don't have Tek hall devices, but these are generally high current probes and sensors are adequate for high current measurements.
Now that Tek and Fluke are part of the same company (Danaher) it wouldn't suprise me if Fluke is either getting hall sensors from Tek for some products or using Tek methods to make there own.
Tek has DC hall effect current probes that will measure milli and microamps as accessories for the scopes. Very accurate, but also somewhat spendy.