Forum Discussion

tropicdad's avatar
May 21, 2013

CO Detector low voltage

I recently replaced the 12v Co2 and propane detectors, both new ones worked fine so I took my class C to the boatyard where I park it.

About a month later I brought the truck back home and the Co2 keeps blinking red/ green then beeps which means low voltage. I left the truck on house power for a day and it continued blinking and beeping.

The propane detector is green with no issues. The house battery is good and charged. I finally just unhooked the darn thing and am thinking of going with a battery unit instead.

I thought I'd ask here before sitting on the phone with tech support if anyone has had a problem like this and what was the outcome?

Thanks and I'll hang up and listen.
  • Have you measured the voltage getting to it?
    Maybe there's a problem with the wire feeding it and the voltage really is low.
  • Sounds like the detector may be defective. Why do you have a CO2 detector? What you should be concerned about is CO. :B