Forum Discussion

Jimmy92451's avatar
Jun 21, 2021

Coleman thermostats sensor wires

I won't get into how I got in this position but the wires are disconnected from the sensor. I have a blue which is a double wide and appears to be a ground,and a green, white and red. Can anyone tell me which goes where. This is unit 8330B633. There are 6 pins for quick connects labeled FREEZE B- Y GH and GR I am not certain on the R It also says
1976-38 (2-03) P.P. Any help would be fantastic. I'm melting here
  • Jimmy92451 wrote:
    Well the circuit board did not give me the answer but you got me in the right direction. By pulling the wires out of the wall I could see what each wire was connected to. Yellow is my red and grey is my white. Problem solved. Thank you very much

    Not even close to industry

    Yellow and White are mainly used as GROUNDS

    Some real rookie floor jockey was put on pulling wires.....
    "Which wires do I run Boss?"

    "See that rack over has spools of colored wires"
    "OK Boss"
  • Use colored ty-wraps to mark each wire, makes it real easy to know what wire goes where.
  • Seon's avatar
    Explorer II
    For me, I normally take a picture of the wire connections before removing. But every now and then I forget :S
  • Well the circuit board did not give me the answer but you got me in the right direction. By pulling the wires out of the wall I could see what each wire was connected to. Yellow is my red and grey is my white. Problem solved. Thank you very much
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    Your unit pin out is here (page 4).

    You can know the functions at the A/C unit based upon that and likewise the ones on the thermostat by looking it up. What you can’t tell is what color the RV builder used for what function. So what you need to do is take the thermostat off the wall without disconnecting anything. Then you can match the functions as Old-Biscuit described above. The thermostat should have similar or the same labels as the unit. B,Y,GL,GH are the 4 you are looking for.
  • I do not have a grey or a yellow. I have blue green red and white with six pins/post/pegs for quick connects. B- Y GH and GR. I don't know how to upload a picture
  • R is 12VDC+ (Red)
    B is 12VDC- (Blue)
    Y is for the A/C Compressor (Yellow)
    GH is for A/C Fan Hi Speed (Green)
    GL is for A/C Fan Lo Speed (Grey)
    W is for Furnace (White)