In answer to "Are the Costco GC2's any good?"
I bought 4 of them (yup, the 62lb, 224Ahr -not 208 - basically the same spec as Trojan) in April 2010. Because of a very tight area for the batteries, I had to make a custom 4-battery rack & beef up the sheet metal floor to handle the 250lb+ load.
I wired them series-parallel. They are still cranking out the 13.9 to 14.4vdc they provided in 2010. I installed the watering system that feeds all 4 with one distilled water 'bayonet' connection. At approximately $70 each (vs. $125 for Trojans doing the same job) I've got my money's worth & then some. I do a lot of boon-docking, so I really use the 12 volt system.
I have noticed the change from the Costco GC-2 to Interstate. For any trivia geeks; interest: upon much research before I bought them, I found they were manufactured under Johnson Controls. All the best, elkhair aka Bill