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Ava's avatar
Feb 19, 2016

Diesel 12v electric vacuum pump

On my 94 Bounder DP the vacuum pump has fried. It runs the heat and cool settings up front and the cruise control in back. I am wondering if there is anyone who has used a simpler replacement pump than the one buried in the frame? I have found a Dormer 904-214 pump for Fords on the web but not sure if it will be adequate for my use.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    I just looked at the Dorman site and it seems the Dorman 904-914 and the two links posted above, are all the same pump. Dorman site also includes the OEM numbers it can replace. The "abs ball" is probably like or actually is one of those Dorman numbers I cited above.

    The "soup can" pretty much IS a soup can, pretty thin metal. so be sure it hasn't rusted through or a fitting come loose on it. Likewise, those abs balls can split and leak.
  • Thanks for the good info. I have seen a pump just like it at the parts place but it had no specs with it. I have checked once for leaks with my vac guage, but will check more thoroughly again. It has one of those large soup can looking reservoirs in back and the abs ball up front. Doug
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Yep, be sure to check all the lines and fittings for leaks!

    If you need a new Vacuum Reserve Tank, the common ones are Dorman Products 47076 and 47077. These are available at NAPA, other chain auto stores, even Amazon. '76 has in inlet and an outlet. I believe it also incorporates a check valve. I bought '77 which has only one fitting. It tees into a line. They're a 6-inch-or-so plastic ball with two mounting ears.Dorman 47076
  • I had a 93 Pace Arrow Diesel Pusher that had a vacuum pump like this
    Did not run all the time like some other "medical grade" vacuum pumps. It has a switch on it. My Pace had the pump in the back tee'ed off to the Cruse Control canister & also a line up to the HVAC & vacuum tank under the front hood.
  • the one for my Sahara DP is just a little thing under the dash
    it doesn't take much vacuum to move heat&A/C air duct flappers

    IF that is all yours does the Ford part should work find
    they all connect to a reservoir, so they don't run all the time

    check for vacuum leaks, there is a reason that pump burned out