Forum Discussion

bucky's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 26, 2020

Dometic 2852 coil fan replacement

On our last trip the fridge external coil cooling fan was squalling in mid 90s heat. I ordered a pair of fans from Amazon but let them sit until until it cooled down here in NC. It doesn't look like that's going to happen.
When I pulled the fridge out yesterday I discovered that it had been out before. The chrome tape was punctured and the upper 2 screws inside were missing. This is a 2014 so that surprised me.
Anyway I look at the back of the unit and there sits 1 fan next to empty mounting holes for another fan. I mounted both new fans, made a wiring harness to combine the 2 using the connector for the original fan and put it back together.
The ones I used are Wathai 9225 92mm x 25mm 12V 2Pin Dual Ball Bearing DC Brushless Cooling case Fan at 10.99 each free prime shipping. They are the exact same size with the exact same mounting holes. Dumb luck.
  • Your model Dometic only came with 1 fan. Since it had been pulled before someone moved the original fan and mounted the new one besides the old mount. 6 years old, Not surprising that the original fan failed within that 6 years. I would bet the cooling unit was replaced. Doug