Forum Discussion

jringer's avatar
Jan 04, 2014

Dometic Refrigerator not cold enough

Hello All!

Last night i noticed water in the bottom of my fridge. the refrigerator part felt cold enough, but it was clear the freezer was not. This has never been an issue before, and still today appears to be only the freezer. The only thought i have it that it could be the weather. We are running the unit on electric (Auto), and have experienced outside temperatures in the single digits this winter with not issues, but last night we had 40 mph winds along with the single digit temps. could this have any affect on the unit? Thanks so much for your time. :)
  • I was having a similar problem here in Calif a couple of weeks ago. Outside temp was below +30 and the freezer warmed up to +20 degrees. I put in on gas and it started to cool down. Turned it back to electric, fridge temps are again normal, and outside temp is now over +30 degrees at nite.
  • Ok I think you guys were right about the ambient temperature. After putting the foil up, it started to get colder yesterday. But now not at all, so my hubby put some insulation board over 2/3 of the vent and we made it a little toasty with the hair dryer and VOILA. so until I can figure our a heating source (ie lightbulb) we are going to do the best we can through the next two FRIGID days. Then fix it. I think with a windchill of -43* F - nothing will help. Lol thanks for all the info!
  • Thanks so much guys! I put aluminum foil on the outside vent. Do you think that will be enough insulation? I also switched back to gas to see if it could possibly be electrical. ( and mainly to save my groceries ) lol
  • On electric running the Climate Control ON is not an issue either way in the cold but it is a battery drain if running off the batteries.

    As pianotuna pointed out they work off of HEAT and a lot of it so if they do not get hot enough to boil water then nothing works right.

    Keep warm. We are looking at 0F temps Monday morning but thankful it is a one day event per the forecast with 42F and full sun today. At least you do not have freezing rain forecast for tomorrow.

    Welcome to
  • Thanks so much! I will give this a try immediately! Wish me Luck!Also, Do you know if my Climate Control Switch should be in the off or on position. It is currently in the on position. Thanks again
  • Hi,

    Yes, ambient temperature being too low can affect or sometimes destroy a fridge.

    Restrict the air flow by blocking off the side panel top two vents leaving the bottom one open.

    It may be wise to add a heat source such as a small light bulb to the exterior of the fridge.

    Norcold does make a cold weather operation add on kit.